Forecasting Energy

Gas & Electricity Load and Production Forecast as a Service
Trustworthy, accurate, and reliable short-term load and production forecast for the energy industry.
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Instead of a long presentation, we prefer facts and figures. If you want to see how good and reliable our forecasting services are, we can let you take our platform for a test drive so you can get an impression of our capabilities and professionalism.

About us

Who we are

Forecasting Energy has been developed as a partnership between European Commodities, Statmath, and Cogenius. The founder of European Commodities, , has got almost a decade of experience in the energy market, more specifically regarding the software to operate the balancing and supply activities. In joining the partnership, Statmath brings its experience and knowledge of data science and data modeling to the table. Cogenius' contribution is its in-depth knowledge of the processes and data flows in the energy markt.
Kleine Tapuitstraat 18, 8540 Deerlijk, Belgium